
What DO I want?!

Amazing things happen to us when we want them to happen, but who would have ever thought of the severe outcomes or reactions we would get. Watch for what you pray.. You don't want to put your loved ones in danger. Very important when we wish for things is that you wish for something without being selfish, only then can you actually attain real happiness... And then best is when you wish for someone else's happiness. Have you ever done that? Well do it quick if you didn't.. ;)



Dilemmas are the cause of so many conflicts in the world. I mean honestly, you just get confused and ultimately frustrated, which leads to being angry. But the curious thing is that sometimes you actually prefer a dilemma over other situations. Strange world innit? I am in a particular dilemma myself. What to do? I like a thing very much, but it is next to impossible for me to attain it, thus it seems hopeless to even have any dreams about it happening. Yet it is a boring world if we would just give up trying, even though it might seem an inevitable failure. So I guess keep on trying is the best thing I can do, or at least keep on being happy and don't expect too much out of a situation. Although a dilemma is generally seen to be a negative experience, I definitely see it as my fortune to be in it!